
Who We Are

Motion Films Entertainment (MFE) is a reputable film agency based in New York dedicated to representing authors throughout their Hollywood journey. We promote a wide range of authors, including self-published, traditional, and emerging ones, many of whom have received various literary awards in their respective genres. Additionally, our partners come from diverse film production companies and studios, as well as from among producers, directors, and executives in Hollywood.

Our dynamic team is proficient in non-fiction and fiction genres, consisting of publishing experts and film production specialists who share the same love for films and arts. We want to make the book and film industry a better place and are attracted to stories that pique one’s interest and explore life’s complexities.

What We Do

We are storytellers. At Motions Films Entertainment, we connect with film production companies, filmmakers, producers, actors, writers, screenwriters, executives, directors, and potential investors who are interested in adapting your book or story into a movie or TV series. We represent you to the key players in the film industry.

Our ultimate goal is to endorse your books and stories to be adapted into film, whether for television, cinema, or new media. Additionally, we endorse Hollywood screenplays and treatments for your satisfaction and convenience.

Motion Films Entertainment is created to bridge connections between authors and filmmakers, producers, and production companies seeking new content.

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